Friday, November 20, 2015

I'm planning on coming out to my parents as transracial tonight.

This is something I've been dealing with for many years and I'm really fucking nervous.

My whole life, I've just felt wrong. Even though I was born Italian, I have always felt a deep connection and identity with the Japanese culture. At first, I tried to deny it, but I read some very interesting studies that showed how common this feeling is. If you were to look at a Japanese person and an Italian person, you'd notice that, at the genetic level, they are completely indistinguishable, and a lot of the cultural aspects of a race come from how other people interpret you socially based on outward appearance. 

I love Japanese culture, values, environment, and entertainment, and am hoping to begin living my life as a Japanese American in 2016. I have already set an appointment to receive eyelid surgery and chemical treatment to make my hair appear more in line with that of cisborn Japanese people. I have also selected a name that will honor my Japanese and American roots (Toby Shinobi).

Welp, wish me luck CE. This is going to be a difficult conversation.

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