Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I'm coming out to my parents as otherkin tonight.

All my life I've felt different than others. I've always had trouble fitting in and accepting my body and identity has always been an uphill battle for me.

However, recently I have become more honest about myself and my otherkin identity and have started to embrace it. As many of you know, I am a huge Amiibo collector, and I have long since realized my true self.

So, tonight I will approach my parents and tell them that I identify as Thomas the Tank Engine-kin. I have already begun preparations to make my life more in line with his. I will frequently put the shower on full heat and travel around in the steamy room, tooting and imagining myself riding the rails with my friends Gordon and Henry. I have also begun to focus on intensive butt exercises at the gym, 5 or 6 days a week, in order to cultivate a large caboose. I am becoming well versed on topics like friendship, determination, and global warming (as I will be expected to burn large amounts of coal in my new identity).

I hope my parents can accept me for who I am, and that CE can as well!

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