Thursday, November 3, 2016

Would you give up your seat on the bus for a pregnant ISIS Operative?


It is 2017. President Hillary Rodham Clinton, in her first act in office, has instituted a law enacting a nation-wide ban on White Men, in order to reclaim more land for the PoC and Non-Cis Americans. White Men, displaced from their homes, have turned towards the underground, where they now live in a vast system of subterranean tunnels, forced to siphon power from the various HRC Pleasure Domes enacted over every major city in the US. 

For sustenance, the White Men survive off of algae and rats that are native to their new sewer home. For other supplies, the White Men must make monthly trips to the surface, where they routinely will perform high-risk raids on the various HRC Storehouses. These trips are very dangerous, and getting caught can have dire consequences for the White Men; captured White Men are sent over to Overlord Dunham for processing, followed by a swift execution performed by President Hillary Rodham Clinton herself. 

You are a White Man on one of these surface raids. Your goal is to scout out the location of a Storehouse in the Atlanta area, as records (provided by Alt-Right Resistance Force) indicate that the Atlanta HRC Storehouse contains a cure for a certain strain of mold growing in the subterranean tunnels. 

However, while on the bus traveling to Atlanta, you notice a young, visibly pregnant Muslim Womyn getting onto the bus. You also notice that her dress contains the insignia of ISIS - after President Hillary Rodham Clinton's inauguration, Clinton revealed herself as an agent of ISIS, allowing in all 650 million ISIS refugees (as fortold by the Prophet Trump). 

The other seats on the bus are taken, and you can tell this young woman is visibly uncomfortable. Would you give up your seat for this pregnant womyn, even though she has aligned herself with one of the deadliest terrorist groups in the world?

Manspreading has been outlawed by President Hillary Rodham Clinton within her first week in office. All newly born White Men, before being cast down into the tunnel system they now call home, have their hip joints surgically altered in order to allow White Men to only open their legs to about a 45 degree angle. 

This operation greatly reduces the mobility of White Men, leading many White Men to forgo a risky operation once they reach the underground: have their legs removed altogether and replaced with enhanced prosthesis legs that enable them to run and jump at 5x the normal rate of an unaltered White Man. This ability is one that will greatly come in handy during raids on the HRC Storehouses.

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